Cirrus SR 22 T G 6 Turbo - SN 8687

- 2022
- Registration D-EINV
- SN 8687
- Model SR 22-G6 TURBO
- TTSN ca. 140 hrs
- Total Landings ca. 120
- Engine TSIO-550-K 315 HP Continental TBO 2,200
- Turbocharged Engine
- Propeller Hartzell Lightweight Composite
- Cirrus Airframe Parachute System™ (CAPS™)
- Airbag Seatbelts (Front Seats)
- 26G Energy-Absorbing Seating surounded by a Rigid Roll Cage
- All LED Exterior Lighting featuring Cirrus Spectra™ wing tip lighting
- Interior/Expertior Convencience Lighting
- Remote Keyless Entry
- Spin-Resistant „Cuffed“wing
- Built-In Oxygen for all Five Occupants
- Dual Alternators (#1 is 100 amps; #2 is 70 amps)
- integrated Electronic Carbon Monoxide Detector
- Basic Terrain Avoidance and Warning System
- Digital 4-in1 Standby Instrument
- Lightweight Wheels & Brakes and Tubeless Tires

- Cirrus Executive
Adds Yaw Damper: EVS Camera - Cirrus Awareness Adds Active Traffic: eTAWS
- Cirrus Advantage
Upgrade to 12“Screens, Adds ChartView, SurfaceWatch™ - Certified Flight Into Known ICE (FIKI)
Adds Full FIKI Including Tanis Avionics & Engine Pre-Heater - Carbon Appearance Upgrade
- GTS Packages to make the aircraft a GTS
- Air Conditioning
- Cirrus Global Connect
- Tanis Avionics Engine Pre-Heater (120V)
- 5 Year or 2,000 Flight Hour Spinner-to-Tail Warranty covering all systems*.
(Paint 1 Year)

- Carbon fiber instrument Panel lobes
- Premium leather bolstered seats in Obsidian black Color
- Dual Side Yokes
- Single Movemet Power Lever with integrated Prop Control
- Easy Access Doors on Both Sides with „Positive Latching“
- UV Protected Windows
- 60/40 Flex Seating™ allows for up to Three Rear Seat Occupants
- Center Console with Four USB Power Outlets & 12 V Power Outlet
- Single Connector“Ships Power“ Headset Outlet for all Five Seats
- Six Front, Two Rear Adjustable & Windshield De-Fog Air Outlets
- Two Front and Two Rear Folding Cup Holders
- Four-Point Harnesses with Airbags for Front Seats
- Three-Point Automotive-Style Belts for Rear Seats
- Rear LATCH Attachment Points for Automotive Style Car Seats
- Standard Leather Seats with Recline for all Seats
- Large Rear Cargo Door with Accessory Storage Compartment
- Rear Cargo Netting with Quick-Release Mechanisms
- Easy Rear Seat Folding Mechanism folds to Near-Flat
- Two Rear Coat Hooks and One Rear Coat Hanger Rail

- Carbon Appearance
- Primary Color Titan Grey with Secondary Color White Wings

- Digital Engine & Fuel Monitoring
- Cirrus Perspective+™ by Garmin® Cockpit
- GMA 350 c Bluetooth® Audio Panel w/3D audio
- QWERTY Keyboard Controller
- Enhanced Garmin GFC 700 Autopilot featuring:
- Fully Coupled Approches w/Vertical Guidance
- TOGA w/Coupled Missed Approach & Holds
- Electronic Stability & Protection
- Hand-flown Stall Protection trough ESP
- Hypoxia Check & Automated Descent Mode
- Blue Level Button
- Autopilot Stall an Over-speed Protection
- Flight Director and Flight Path Marker
- ADS-B Out Transponder
- 406 MHz ELT triggered by CAPS™ Pull
- Garmin Flight Stream 510
- Cirrus IQ™